

Gloster plans significant growth and dividend payments in 2026


Gloster plans significant growth and dividend payments in 2026

Attached documents

Gloster Investor Presentation Spring 2024


A Gloster Infocommunication Public Limited Company (company registration number: 13-10-042012; registered office: 2142 Nagytarcsa, Csonka János utca 1/A. building A/2.; hereinafter referred to as: the Company, Gloster) is the and the General Business Rules of the Budapest Stock Exchange In accordance with the provisions of the Budapest Stock Exchange and the General Terms and Conditions of the Stock Exchange, Gloster hereby informs the Investors of the following.

Gloster plans significant growth and dividend payments in 2026

from 2026 dividend payments, significant foreign expansion and internal synergies 15.6 billion, with sales of more than HUF 3 billion. EBITDA in the next two years, according to the Company's in an investor presentation published by the Company.

From 11 transactions in the last 60 months in the BSE Standard category international IT services company listed in the Standard segment of the to a 355-strong company serving 81111 clients. According to research by Helap Partners Gloster is the market leader among domestically-owned software development exporters and is the largest domestically-owned cloud provider Microsoft partner. Business business model focuses on regular (69% of total revenue) and export (69% of total revenue). 44% of total revenue), growing by an average of 60% between 2021-2023, and 98% respectively.   

A Among the challenges facing Gloster is the further development of international sales, improving corporate profitability and the IT sector's in the IT sector.

A investor presentation says it is starting international B2B with experienced partners business development in the world's major software markets: the United UK and Ireland, the DACH region and Scandinavia. Gloster is a leading player in the international sales by region instead of country, and will now increase its international sales by 43 target a 43% larger market of around EUR 21 700 M/year compared to the current market compared to current levels. Each location will have its own sales and customer support teams and customer support teams. Andrew Wilmot will be responsible for sales in the UK and Ireland, while the DACH region will be managed by Attila Tóth, who is a native German speaker, and the Scandinavian region is sold by Herwig Stöckl.

A from the presentation, investors will learn that Gloster, in order to increase its international competitiveness (better developer wages) by the end of the year to open an SSC in the Philippines by the end of the year, which will enable the opening of an SSC in the Philippines by early 2025. 50 million forints per year from 2025 onwards. Gloster has already announced that it will the Company's management expects an annual profit improvement of at least HUF 200 million per annum from 2023 to 2025. Gloster Level up internal efficiency improvement programme announced on 27 November 2023. The Company expects additional EBITDA of approximately HUF 1518 million from the artificial intelligence, as well as the digital and green transformation business opportunities by 2026 (compared to 2023), and is expected to plans to increase dividends from its subsidiaries by an additional HUF 400 million per year by 2026, by which time all acquisition contracts are expected to be signed will be fully completed.

A Gloster's gearing in 2024 remains low (EBITDA 117% of EBITDA), which is expected to increase in 2025, but is projected to it is expected to reach only 89% of EBITDA. Analyst prices exceed Gloster's current share price, with a target price of ERSTE at 1183 HUF (recommendation: Buy) from Equilor target at 1369 HUF with a hold recommendation.

A A significant difference from previous disclosures is that from 2026 the Company will 2026, which is expected to be well received by the Gloster current and future shareholders of Gloster. The details of this are set out in the revised dividend policy by 30 June 2024, Gloster will announce this in a separate investors in a separate announcement.

Nagytarcsa, 26 March 2024.

Gloster Infocommunications Plc.


Gloster plans significant growth and dividend payments in 2026

Attached documents

Gloster Investor Presentation Spring 2024