According to ERSTE , Gloster could get 1 billion for its systems integration business
The Gloster Infocommunications Public Limited Company Aktientársaság (company registration number: 13-10-042012; registered office: 2142 Nagytarcsa, Csonka János utca 1/A. building A/2.; hereinafter referred to as "the Company", Gloster) in accordance with the applicable laws and the General Business Rules of the Budapest Stock Exchange Gloster hereby informs the Investors of the following.
According to ERSTE the Gloster 1 billion for the systems integration business
The book value is close to double the value of the sale
ERSTE Investment Ltd. reacted to the Gloster yesterday, according to which the Company will sell companies belonging to its systems integration business, and and the real estate serving them
According to the brief analysis, "We estimate that the sales price could be close to HUF 1 billion. [...] We think, that part of this amount will be used to pay the remaining purchase price of P92. the purchase price of the P92 by Gloster," according to Erste.
The full analysis available at: https://www.erstemarket.hu/tartalom/212619/eladja-rendszerintegracios-uzletagat-a-gloster-20241212
This information note has been produced by Gloster Infocommunications Plc. (registered office: 2142 Nagytarcsa, Csonka János u. 1/a). factual information and reasonable information based on reasonable calculations conclusions, which are based on reasonable and reasoned information and which may be relied upon by persons entitled to do so under the applicable obligations under the applicable legal provisions. Present (Act CXX of 2001 on the Capital Market), § 5 (1) paragraph 5(5)(9) of the Stock Exchange Act does not constitute an "investment recommendation" and is not subject to the provisions of the Bszt. (on investment firms and commodity exchange service providers and on the and the rules governing the activities they may carry out) Article 4(2)(8) does not include investment analysis, financial instruments, exchange-traded products or their issuers or other information, the disclosure of which would in itself or in any other way, may influence the investor to decide for himself or or other person's money or other assets from the effects of the capital market, in whole or in part on the influence of the market. Gloster Infocommunications Plc. and its representatives do not assume any responsibility for any conclusions drawn from the information in this prospectus for any investment decisions based on the conclusions of the information contained herein, their adverse legal consequences, or financial losses.
Nagytarcsa, 13 December 2024.
Gloster Infocommunications Plc.
More information:
dr. Adrienn Karlovich-Szabó
Investors relations officer